Troop 97 Loves to Camp!

We travel across the mid-Atlantic states for great experiences.


Klondike - bryn athyn Scout building

It actually snowed!!! We had a variety of activities, ranging from axe throwing to fire building to an awesome 3-hour sled race. However, it was unfortunately (and fortunately) cold enough that very few pictures were taken.

A weekend competition including skill building and competitions. Stations often include fire building, axe throwing, relay races, first aid, scout trivia, pioneering, and other klondike favorites.

Historian’s Report


Backpacking - Musser Scout reservation, Pa

A fun trip, but slightly dampened by an unusually large number of thorns — hope the OA gets to that trail at some point soon.

Historian’s Report


Guns & Gourmet - Resica Falls Scout Reservation, PA

A highlight of the year for gourmet food and shooting sports; this time at Ressica Falls.

Historian’s Report


Caving - Hellertown, PA

We took on Geology Merit Badge and explored the Lost River Caverns, a highlight of which was discovering that not only do some rocks glow under blacklight, but teeth do too.

Historian’s Report


Bouldering - Bucks county, pa

The troop took on the challenge of learning bouldering at Haycock Mountain from guides at the Philadelphia Rock Gym. Camping was at Lake Towhee county park.


Winter CAmping and cardboard sledding - Hickory Run State park, pa

The troop practiced cold weather camping and had a cardboard sled competition.


Backpacking - Stokes State Forest, NJ

The troop enjoyed a base camp for two nights and backpacked Saturday carrying and cooking a trail lunch, the ten essentials and an appropriate amount of weight. Scouts newer to backpacking enjoyed a 6 mile hike while experienced scouts exercised their muscles over an elevation gain of 1000 feet and 10 miles of beautiful forest.


Guns and Gourmet - Rodney scout reservation, MD

An annual tradition the troop participates in shooting sports of rifle, archery and shotgun during the day. Top shots earn competition points for their patrol. At night a themed cooking competition pits patrols against each other to vie for more points to help determine an overall weekend winner.


Winter Camping and Ice Fishing, Camp Minsi, Pocono Summit, PA

Testing your mettle and practicing good cold weather techniques! The troop participated with the Minsi Ice Fest which included ice fishing on the lake. Scouts newer to cold weather camping visited for the day and enjoyed lunch on the ice.


Resica FAlls Field Day - Resica Falls Scout Reservation, PA

Participation in District and Council events provides opportunities to meet scouts from all over our region. The field day includes fishing, zip-lining, rock climbing wall, orienteering, two man saw, shooting sports such as black powder, rifle, shotgun, archery and more. A large campfire finishes off the evening with skits and songs.


Bike trip - Pennypack creek trail, pa

An overnight trip with a 30+ mile ride to the Delaware river and back.


White Water rafting - Lehigh River Gorge, pa

Rafting on Class II and III rapids down the Lehigh River with an adventure guide during a dam release weekend in the spring


Canoeing and Kayaking - Delaware River, PA

A canoe trip covering nearly 15 miles from Tinicum Park, PA to a landing in Lambertville, NJ. Canoeing included Class I rapids and lunch on an island.